Sunday, July 29, 2012

Let The Mystery Remain !!!

I dare not demand your perfection,
I do not know the secrets of ruling your heart!!!
Heavens can become poor by losing a star.
I can only count my treasures with your smiles!!!!!

To seek your love
My soul prepares for its last breath.
Heart quivers to reveal the adoration
Nerves snap, when the moment of truth strikes.

You are the deep sea of love
My childish fervor wavers like a ripple on the surface!!
Moments of my shallow life,
Dries off like froth on the rock near shore!!!

Eyes beg for the next dream
Fingertips cry for the touch
silence wakes up tired of eating the dark night!!!
Your feel churns in the heart
At the dawn when millions of stars dissappear,
I see million sunrises in each dew drop!!

What have we accumulated?
But for the bundle of hopes!!!
Dreams nest and cuddle in the labyrthine of hopes like birds!! 

At times I think, there is no greater reality than a hope!!!!
Truth in your eyes
Is the secret of life I wanted

A little illusion, shade of guilt;
Little rest to think of life's stream of consciousness;
Courage to dream, eligibility to lose,
These are the treasures I get in your promise!!

Worlds that were drifting away,
Recoil and entwine.  
Every step becomes a journey 
Every journey becomes a destination!!!

I get scared of thinking about you.

I fear that suddenly you open your heart and reveal.
I fear that suddenly you open your fist and give!!
I fear that suddenly I will have no reason to come to you.
I fear that rivers will reach and flowers become pods!!
I fear that the secret of love will be known to me,
Before the journey ends!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


After you smile and leave
I sit on the ground collecting those fallen stars.

when you leave and move away,
heart quivers and cries.
like a tender bird when mother leaves the nest!!
World falls to the ground like a closing fountain
Yearning increases when the heart starts overflowing !!

I curse that road which takes you away,
I feel like rolling and winding it around my waist!!

Events come and disappear
like rainbows on the waterfall !!

Memories become more intense and painful !!
Like the rivers flowing deep and silent in the forest !!!

Loneliness becomes overcrowded with your thoughts,
I can not manage your memories without you,
They wrap my heart with time,
They roll my heart in the litter of dreams !!!

Amazing are the ways of heart
Amazing is the maze of love

These unseen threads that pull
I do not know where they start and where they end
The more I struggle to clear
The more I get into the tangle !!!

When the distance grows,
Your presence thickens !!
The star in the sky moves
When a flower on the earth is shaken!!
When the clouds hover around the mountains
The sea smiles at the Sun for a new beginning
You are the one !!!!!!!!!!

When I dissolve in your smile
And lose my ego and pretence..
You are the one !!!!
When I become king of my new world and
wheel of our new time..
You are the one !!!!

when the trees are leafless,
Wind moans cutting its heart on the naked twig!!
When the time hides under your eyelids-
I get lost in searching for a new word !!!
I get swallowed like a dry leaf sucked in the whirlpool !!!

Every moment encodes your smile,
Every minute propagates your feelings:
Like the Sand which has the footprints of river,
Like the breeze that has the breath of the mountain !!!

Every smile of yours becomes a monument of happiness
Every look of yours revolves like a kalaidoscope of dreams !!!!

You are the one !!

Ingniting the flame and re-loading the journey

You are the one...

You are the seed and you are the earth
You are the cloud and you are the ocean
You are the silence in my song and
You are the sun rise in a the new place !!
You are the mountain edge in the misty morning
You are the wick and you are the lamp.

Where will the dreams go when you are with me?
Where will the time hide when you smile and talk??
Bloom in the heart brings colours to the flowers
Joy of touching hearts permeates in the soul !!!!
Each moment with you becomes the primordial song !!
And life becomes a inflorescence..moments opening like unending buds !!!!

You are the one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(to be continued)

5th  May 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012

rainbow on the mountain

If feeling is the heart and
Emotions are being
Who am I?

I am not aware of me
I am not there in me
Searching for the spring in the ocean
And window in the sky
Who am I?

You are in the dreams and
You shook me from the dreams
Who are you?

When I open my eyes you smile like a swaying twig
I close my eyes to see you seated inside me
In the ripples of water and
Giggle of the leaves
Who are you?

Like moon in my back yard
Sky in my fist
Sea in my eyes
Sun on the blade of grass
Who are you?

You anchor my roots
And shine through my canopy
Question of my answers
Beginning at my end
Who are you?

Without speaking much
Telling me the epics
Without joining a step
Accompanying the voyage
Who are you?

Wind under my wings
Path in my wilderness
Song of my unspoken words
Beat of my pounding heart
Who are you?